Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweat Muy calor

I rolled out of bed. The temperature was comfortable. I moved my arm and my body started to sweat profusely. The temperature is like 3000 degrees here. But the people are very nice and try to communicate with us. I miss air conditioners and secondly, I miss communication. The only way most of them understand me is if I do charades and then they laugh at me and nod. 90% of the time I think they are making fun of me. But I smile and nod graciously and say, "Mi no comprende" which means "I do not understand."

I am loving the adventure and the I love my co-workers. They are the best! I am the bad person J.J. talked about in his story..in case you cared at all.


1 comment:

  1. I knew this was you, Danny, before I got to the bottom and saw your name. Ha ha. You should become a writer...I would read your stuff! Its funny and entertaining! I'm glad you are having a grand adventure!

    ~Mary :D
