Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Second Day, First Hour

First adventure of the day:
Neglecting to check inside the shoe before putting it on. Result: the rather humorous discovery of a large cockroach in the shoe, at which my roommate informed me that she would have screamed.

Second adventure of the day:
The discovery of a large tree frog in the dining room, followed by the subsequent chase, capture, and photography of said tree frog. Later handed it to Shushan, watched her drop it, and was amused by her attempts to catch it again.

Third adventure of the day:
Saying something silly in the breakfast line, getting called a "weirdo" by Shushan, and getting flicked in the eye by same Shushan... followed by a heartfelt apology on her part, because she didn't intend to actually hit me.

And all this within the first hour. :-)

Today we shall continue caulking, replacing ceiling tiles, and painting at the Bible School. Our clothes were washed last night, and surprisingly most of the paint came out. As far as I know, none of us are suffering serious health problems yet. I look like a lobster in some areas and it smarts a bit, but I'm not going to complain about Central American sunshine. :-) I thoroughly enjoyed the cooling rainstorms we had yesterday, as well.

Well, there are a few leaning over my shoulders wishing to post their own blogs now. I pray that you all have a wonderful day, and praise the Lord for His goodness and His humor!



  1. We are looking forward to seeing the pictures of the frog. Did you get a picture of the cockroach you found in your shoe? I did not hear about you being in the tree picking mangoes but I guess doing that in a dress wouldn't be very lady like would it (nor would it be the first time)? I am glad you are having an eventful time. Are you the only one who has gotten burned? Are you remembering any of your spanish?

  2. Hope you can post pictures. We'd love to see pitures of you there. Loved the story of the frog. Praying for you still! 0--=-
