Monday, May 17, 2010

First morning

Ah... so this is Honduras! A land where banana trees and pine trees share the same soil. A place where one may order a banana soda at Wendy's (and it tastes really good!). A place where both the rural and city streets are lined with people (on foot, bike, and horse), dogs, chickens, horses, and cattle. A land where huge bugs divebomb one's head after dark. A land of sudden rainstorms and rainforest-sounding birds -- all night. And a place where one is not to flush the toilet paper... there is a reason why that bucket sits beside the toilet. :)

God has abundantly blessed our trip thus far, and we are all having fun. Even when faced with trials like giant bugs and noisy birds, I think we are all doing quite well adjusting and keeping a good attitude about it. I have begun to taste the experience of feeling slightly claustrophobic, realizing that I do not speak their language, and they do not speak mine. As our missionary host told us, though, a smile always translates well!

God is good, and we are all excited to see what He has planned for this trip. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and may God bless you. We all love you much!



  1. Thank for giving us such a visual picture of what you are experiencing!! Sounds so exciting and beautiful....we believe God has such great things in store for you all in Hondurus!

    - Chris Rittgers

  2. Sarah, it sounds interesting you are all in our prayers and tell everyone good morning from mom and dad Richardson.

  3. Thanks for the exciting update! :-)

  4. We are praying for you all. Bill & Beth Ryan were a rich blessing to our people last night in service! They are so excited you folks are there!God bless each one of you and use you as His instruments. Pastor Charles

  5. Wow! Can't believe your in Honduras! How exciting for you. Please keep writing. Tell us what you all are doing and and what it's like to be there. My family is praying and thinking of you. Love you much, Labhaoise 0--=-
    P.S. Allan A'Dale stopped by and wanted me to let you know he says hi. :)
